The Luckiest by Ben Folds
Instructors: Homer & Cristina Ladas
September 1, 2013, Denver Labor Day Tango Festival
Our class focus was on the Leader’s backward and forward
enrosques and the Follower’s forward enrosque (the Secret Garden or during the
Exercise 1: Cross behind while walking forward.
In circle formation at the perimeter of the room, the class
practiced moving forward using back crosses to the center of the circle. Here
we need to:
Bend the knee of the front leg
Stay the same height throughout
Keep chest up
Squeeze/engage inner thighs
To make it more elegant, we were to imagine we
were holding a big bowl of sleeping fish.
We would make a letter A with out feet with our
pinkie toes touching.
Exercise 2: Cross
in front while walking backward.
In circle formation at the center of the room, the class
practiced moving backward using forward crosses to the outside of the circle.
Same technique as the above applies.
At the end, we would make a letter V.
Exercise 3: Warming up our Ocho Factories
In partnership using a light hand-to-hand embrace, we did
forward ochos, stepping to our partner’s trailing foot. We were to take long
steps around each other, and pivot enough/a lot. Posturewise, in our upper bodies, we were to be
tall and broad, flaring out as much as we could with our tango wings
Exercise 4: By ourselves, we practiced crossing in front
as foundational work on our forward enrosques. We were to think about where the weight is on
our standing leg. We were to spread our
toes and image that our standing foot has four corners, and we should be
centered in the middle of those four corners.
There are two options for the Forward Enrosque legwork
(1) The
Eagle Pose: really tight and snug with thighs squeezed tight and close.
(2) The
Eye of the Needle Stance: a looser, very open stance.
Either way, at the conclusion of the enrosque, the outside
of our trailing foot has to be in contact with the outside of our standing foot,
with the toes at the middle of the opposite foot, touching the standing foot. This entire movement is the basis of our
Exercise 5: Forward ochos with crossing, with the
Leader’s option to change his weight.
Exercise 6: Step forward, enrosque, weight change, step
Individually, we practiced the following footwork:
Left foot forward step
Right foot cross hook in front
Change weight to right foot
Finish Pivot
Back step with left foot
Finish where you start
Opposite foot:
Right foot forward step
Left foot hook in front
Change weight to left foot
Finish pivot
Back step with right foot
Finish where you start
The class was then split: Leaders with Homer and Followers
with Christina.
The Leaders worked on their back enrosque: taking a forward
step and then hooking behind.
Leaders group footwork:
1st partnered exercise with hand-to-hand embrace:
Leaders led their partner (the person taking the Follower’s
part) to do the forward step, side step, and back cross step of the
Leader’s left foot forward on Follower’s left foot forward
(front cross) step
Leader’s right foot hook and weight change to right foot on
Follower’s right foot side step
Leader’s left foot back step on Follower’s left foot back
(back cross) step
The Leader’s enrosque is easiest to do on the turn to the
The Leader’s left foot forward step can be changed into a
Leader’s left foot forward sacada, so it naturally brings him closer to her and
develops more spiral energy so that it is easier to do the Leader’s enrosque.
There are three exit options:
(1) Back
sacada option
(2) Pivot
in place with no step
(3) Regular
back step with no sacada
The Follower can do an enrosque after the forward step and
before the side step of the hiro/turn/molinete
Follower’s group footwork:
In a partnered exercise with hand-to-hand embrace:
Forward ocho with Follower’s enrosque embellishment of an
outside rulo (curly Q, swirl).
We were to practice this, as one side is easier/more
difficult than the other.
The Follower does a forward enrosque with her free foot
tracing a small circle on the floor around an imaginary axis unseen by the
Leader (that’s why it’s called the “Secret Garden” Enrosque – because the Leader
doesn’t see the axis the Follower is circling).
The Follower needs to decide before she transfers weight to do the
enrosque. So she reaches, and as she transfers weight but a little bit before,
she shoots out the other foot/leg with a little bit of Captain Morgan, pivots
and from her knee down, draws a circle/rulo/lapice/corkscrew with her calf/foot
(“stirs the pot”) and then collects with ankles together. We were to keep this on the floor, and do one
or two circles/corkscrews/rulos/lapices, with the Follower keeping her hips
close to the Leader.
To do this enrosque, our foot goes with toes pointed to the
floor out as our hip opens up with the inside of our thigh exposed. Then we
draw a quick little circle with the tip of our toes, after which we bring the
leg back in so that our foot remains tucked against our standing foot at the
conclusion of our pivot. Keep the toes pointed toward the floor complete with
the knee out and hip open. The standing
leg needs to be strong and stable. The
floor is the source of power. How the
Follower connects with the floor determines how much power she has in her
Exercise 7: Adding sacadas
Leader does a sacada to Follower’s trailing foot of her side
step, into a Leader’s back enrosque. The Leader’s sacada puts them in position
so that afterwards they are simultaneously doing back pivots. It’s a “we” feeling at that point, which is
very nice and fun.
Leader leads Follower to do 1-2 forward ocho with or without
enrosques as Leader does side steps with her. Leader leads the Follower to do a
turn/hiro/molinete to the left and then he does his sacada into an
enrosque. Our goal in drilling this was
to figure out the timing: The movement
goes where it needs to go to maintain the relationship between the dancers.
In all our dancing, we should always maintain good walking
technique and take long, reaching steps around the Leader. When the Follower reaches and transfers the
weight is when the Leader has time to do his enrosque, so she should not cut
short or rush through the movement.
In the turn/hiro/molinete, the Leader does his job, but the
Follower has to do her job as well. Her foot
arrives on top of the strong beat, but she should take the whole beat to transfer
The Follower needs to be aware in both sides of her embrace
to receive the appropriate energy that the Leader is giving. She needs to be connected to the Leader,
otherwise the message will be lost.
concluded with a class review and a demo to The Luckiest by Ben Folds.
Notes courtesy of Anne at