Instructors: Homer & Cristina Ladas
October 7, 2013, The Beat, Berkeley, CA
The focus of our class was the theory of Follower’s sacada, followed by the Follower’s double sacada.
CHAPTER 1: Sacada
We began with an exercise in sugar bowl embrace.
Leader’s footwork:
Hypnotizing side step, with both dancers collecting on their
side steps.
Leader does sneak attack with his right foot, pivots, and
then turns to his left, leading Follower to sacada his left foot with her left
foot. The Follower takes a long,
reaching step, completely arriving and then going. She should control the arrival and stay on
it, until the Leader leads her to exit.
We drilled this for a while with eyes open, and then to
increase sensitivity and precision of movement, we drilled with the Follower’s
eyes closed. More advanced work on this
involves the Leader closing his eyes, and then having both dancers drill with
eyes closed.
The sending shape of energy is circular on the forward step,
as it is the start of the hiro/turn/molinete.
The Follower should try to not avoid the Leader’s leg (thus
it helps to have the Follower’s eyes closed).
For the Follower’s embrace, she should have an elastic
embrace where her elbows are bent, and the Leader feels the pads of the
Follower’s fingers. As her left foot
extends forward, so does her right arm, allowing her embrace to breathe before
completing the transfer of weight, so she doesn’t arrive too soon. The embrace opens and closes like a rubber
The Leader creates space and uses pull energy to get the
Follower to go around
We drilled this to both sides, in sugar bowl embrace with
the Follower’s eyes closed.
For the Leaders, our work is based on the turn technique to
create the space and energy for the Follower to go around.
X marks the spot of the new axis of where the Follower will
go around.
For the Follower, they are doing a very open
hiro/turn/molinete, making long reaching steps around the Leader, including her
side step. So she should create curve in
all her steps: forward, side, and back.
She should also stay longer on her standing leg before transferring
A resolution could be the leg wrap then turning into the
line of dance.
Rule for the
Follower’s Sacada:
Follower’s sacadas require more space so the Leader is
perpendicular to the Follower or even further away. The Leader needs to give the Follower lots of
space for her sacada.
Follower’s Double Sacada
Two Follower’s sacadas in a row.
The Leader’s side step is replaced with a forward step.
He does a sneak attack to prepare Follower.
Right foot reaches, he turns to the right, Leader steps
Follower does forward sacada of his trailing foot as he does
his front cross step perpendicular to her.
Going directly into a Follower left foot side sacada of the
Leader’s right foot after he did his left foot sneak attack and ding a turn to
the right (clockwise).
The Leader sets up the axis and then turns to the right.
The Leader has to do a sneak attack, reaching with his left
foot before transferring his weight.
Leader’s right foot forward step is perpendicularly across
the front of the Follower.
Follower does right foot forward sacada of Leader’s trailing
left foot.
Both pivot here, the Follower a lot since the Leader leads
her around using pull technique as if for a turn/hiro/molinete with his upper
body rotation.
Leader’s left foot side step
Follower’s left foot side sacada of Leader’s trailing right
foot on his left foot side step.
The Follower needs to pivot more to go around enough so that
her side sacada is a true side step and not a messy diagonal side step
forwardly oriented. The Leader can help
with this by employing good turn technique with pull as he keep turning to his
left clockwise in between her two sacadas.
The Follower’s embrace needs to be elastic, especially her
left shoulder, as she steps.
One exit is the Leader’s right foot parada/Follower’s pasada
to a sandwich, and then out.
The Leader should walk like a cat and no kerplunking, otherwise he will rush the Follower.
Maestros concluded with a class quiz and demo to Fresedo Tigre Viejo.
Notes courtesy of Anne at