Saturday, June 28, 2014

Extreme Homer and Cristina - The 2014 Collection (Advanced)

Song: Cuore Sacro by Andrea Guerra
Instructors: Homer & Cristina Ladas
May 25, 2014, Ardingly College, England

      (1)   Sustained Volcada
(2)   Follower’s back sacada and back gancho
(3)   Butterfly Colgada

(1) Sustained Volcada
Sustained volcadas can be done in the line of dance, and can be big or small.
It is based on the Follower going to the cross.
It is physically easier than it looks.
Like other volcadas, the concepts of compression and lift are key.

The Leader sets up the sustained volcada by going left foot forward, and then going down as he holds the Follower is up when her right foot is back. 

The Follower crosses to get out of it when she feels the Leader’s feet get close to her body and he stops traveling, and she lets go of the connection to the floor.

The Leader needs to always take care of his back.
His hips are under his rib cage.
He suspends the Follower
When the Leader comes up, he signals that the Volcada is finished.

The Follower feels the Leader’s change of height and his compression and lift.

The Follower needs to be committed to the slide.

The Follower needs to have an active role in support.

When the Leader gives the Follower compression and lift, the Follower squeezes toward the Leader’s torso, and her shoulder blades are pushing down to have a strong fixed line.  She should not collapse in her back or hips or sides.  The Follower pushes down with her left armpit as if she is getting out of a swimming pool.  Most Followers do not push enough. The Followers need to use their lats to push down and feel lighter.  Follower needs to let herself fall into a vertical split. 

The Follower’s right leg is like a rutter. So she should keep it straight.  Keep both sides of the rib cage toward the Leader, otherwise she will cause the couple to drift. 

(2) Follower’s back sacada and back gancho
After the Follower goes to the cross, the Leader pivots the Follower clockwise, leading the Follower to do a right foot back sacada.

The Leader receives the Follower’s right foot back sacada of his trailing right foot on his left foot forward step (Leader pivots on his left foot counterclockwise, showing the Follower his back pocket), then he does a back gancho of his right foot of her left foot (like a linear boleo)

Into Captain Morgan with his right leg.  Leader does Captain Morgan leg.  The Leader needs to step away from the Follower a bit to give her room to do her sacada.

All Follower’s sacadas need space, so the Leader should walk slightly away from the Follower (not around her, or straight across from her).

Follower needs to pivot a lot – more than she thinks she can/should -- and complete her pivot a lot before extending her leg in the sacada.  The Leader leads the rotation first before he leads her sacada step into him.

Follower: after the sustained volcada slide, she should keep her knees soft so she has plenty of time to do her pivot into her back sacada and back gancho

(3) Butterfly Colgada
Here, the Follower does two colgadas, and then the Leader does a colgada.  So it is:
She goes
She goes
He goes

Leader walks outside partner as Follower does back ochos.
Leader steps left foot forward outside to the Follower’s left foot forward on her right foot back step so feet meet inside edge to inside edge.

The Follower’s right foot goes out as the Leader sends her out in circular energy (first wing of the butterfly), pivot around to the close side.
As Follower steps over with her right foot, the Leader sends the Follower out again (second wing of the butterfly) and she steps over. Then he steps over nearly simultaneously with his right foot clockwise and sends himself out in colgada as well.

Maestros concluded with a class quiz and demo to Andre Guerra’s Cuore Sacro.

Notes courtesy of Anne at

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